var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); ( function ( g ) { var t = { PLATFORM_WINDOWS: 'windows', PLATFORM_IPHONE: 'iphone', PLATFORM_IPOD: 'ipod', PLATFORM_IPAD: 'ipad', PLATFORM_BLACKBERRY: 'blackberry', PLATFORM_BLACKBERRY_10: 'blackberry_10', PLATFORM_SYMBIAN: 'symbian_series60', PLATFORM_SYMBIAN_S40: 'symbian_series40', PLATFORM_J2ME_MIDP: 'j2me_midp', PLATFORM_ANDROID: 'android', PLATFORM_ANDROID_TABLET: 'android_tablet', PLATFORM_FIREFOX_OS: 'firefoxOS', PLATFORM_MOBILE_GENERIC: 'mobile_generic', userAgent : false, // Shortcut to the browser User Agent String. matchedPlatformName : false, // Matched platform name. False otherwise. matchedUserAgentName : false, // Matched UA String. False otherwise. init: function() { try { t.userAgent = g.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); t.getPlatformName(); t.getMobileUserAgentName(); } catch ( e ) { console.error( e ); } }, initForTest: function( userAgent ) { t.matchedPlatformName = false; t.matchedUserAgentName = false; try { t.userAgent = userAgent.toLowerCase(); t.getPlatformName(); t.getMobileUserAgentName(); } catch ( e ) { console.error( e ); } }, /** * This method detects the mobile User Agent name. */ getMobileUserAgentName: function() { if ( t.matchedUserAgentName !== false ) return t.matchedUserAgentName; if ( t.userAgent === false ) return false; if ( t.isChromeForIOS() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'chrome-for-ios'; else if ( t.isTwitterForIpad() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'twitter-for-ipad'; else if ( t.isTwitterForIphone() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'twitter-for-iphone'; else if ( t.isIPhoneOrIPod() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'iphone'; else if ( t.isIPad() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'ipad'; else if ( t.isAndroidTablet() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'android_tablet'; else if ( t.isAndroid() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'android'; else if ( t.isBlackberry10() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'blackberry_10'; else if ( has( 'blackberry' ) ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'blackberry'; else if ( t.isBlackberryTablet() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'blackberry_tablet'; else if ( t.isWindowsPhone7() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'win7'; else if ( t.isWindowsPhone8() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'winphone8'; else if ( t.isOperaMini() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'opera-mini'; else if ( t.isOperaMobile() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'opera-mobi'; else if ( t.isKindleFire() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'kindle-fire'; else if ( t.isSymbianPlatform() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'series60'; else if ( t.isFirefoxMobile() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'firefox_mobile'; else if ( t.isFirefoxOS() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'firefoxOS'; else if ( t.isFacebookForIphone() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'facebook-for-iphone'; else if ( t.isFacebookForIpad() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'facebook-for-ipad'; else if ( t.isWordPressForIos() ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'ios-app'; else if ( has( 'iphone' ) ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'iphone-unknown'; else if ( has( 'ipad' ) ) t.matchedUserAgentName = 'ipad-unknown'; return t.matchedUserAgentName; }, /** * This method detects the mobile platform name. */ getPlatformName : function() { if ( t.matchedPlatformName !== false ) return t.matchedPlatformName; if ( t.userAgent === false ) return false; if ( has( 'windows ce' ) || has( 'windows phone' ) ) { t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_WINDOWS; } else if ( has( 'ipad' ) ) { t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_IPAD; } else if ( has( 'ipod' ) ) { t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_IPOD; } else if ( has( 'iphone' ) ) { t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_IPHONE; } else if ( has( 'android' ) ) { if ( t.isAndroidTablet() ) t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_ANDROID_TABLET; else t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_ANDROID; } else if ( t.isKindleFire() ) { t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_ANDROID_TABLET; } else if ( t.isBlackberry10() ) { t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_BLACKBERRY_10; } else if ( has( 'blackberry' ) ) { t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_BLACKBERRY; } else if ( t.isBlackberryTablet() ) { t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_BLACKBERRY; } else if ( t.isSymbianPlatform() ) { t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_SYMBIAN; } else if ( t.isSymbianS40Platform() ) { t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_SYMBIAN_S40; } else if ( t.isJ2MEPlatform() ) { t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_J2ME_MIDP; } else if ( t.isFirefoxOS() ) { t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_FIREFOX_OS; } else if ( t.isFirefoxMobile() ) { t.matchedPlatformName = t.PLATFORM_MOBILE_GENERIC; } return t.matchedPlatformName; }, /** * Detect the BlackBerry OS version. * * Note: This is for smartphones only. Does not work on BB tablets. */ getBlackBerryOSVersion : check( function() { if ( t.isBlackberry10() ) return '10'; if ( ! has( 'blackberry' ) ) return false; var rv = -1; // Return value assumes failure. var re; if ( has( 'webkit' ) ) { // Detecting the BB OS version for devices running OS 6.0 or higher re = /Version\/([\d\.]+)/i; } else { // BlackBerry devices <= 5.XX re = /BlackBerry\w+\/([\d\.]+)/i; } if ( re.exec( t.userAgent ) != null ) rv = RegExp.$1.toString(); return rv === -1 ? false : rv; } ), /** * Detects if the current UA is iPhone Mobile Safari or another iPhone or iPod Touch Browser. */ isIPhoneOrIPod : check( function() { return has( 'safari' ) && ( has( 'iphone' ) || has( 'ipod' ) ); } ), /** * Detects if the current device is an iPad. */ isIPad : check( function() { return has( 'ipad' ) && has( 'safari' ); } ), /** * Detects if the current UA is Chrome for iOS */ isChromeForIOS : check( function() { return t.isIPhoneOrIPod() && has( 'crios/' ); } ), /** * Detects if the current browser is the Native Android browser. */ isAndroid : check( function() { if ( has( 'android' ) ) { return ! ( t.isOperaMini() || t.isOperaMobile() || t.isFirefoxMobile() ); } } ), /** * Detects if the current browser is the Native Android Tablet browser. */ isAndroidTablet : check( function() { if ( has( 'android' ) && ! has( 'mobile' ) ) { return ! ( t.isOperaMini() || t.isOperaMobile() || t.isFirefoxMobile() ); } } ), /** * Detects if the current browser is Opera Mobile */ isOperaMobile : check( function() { return has( 'opera' ) && has( 'mobi' ); } ), /** * Detects if the current browser is Opera Mini */ isOperaMini : check( function() { return has( 'opera' ) && has( 'mini' ); } ), /** * isBlackberry10() can be used to check the User Agent for a BlackBerry 10 device. */ isBlackberry10 : check( function() { return has( 'bb10' ) && has( 'mobile' ); } ), /** * isBlackberryTablet() can be used to check the User Agent for a RIM blackberry tablet */ isBlackberryTablet : check( function() { return has( 'playbook' ) && has( 'rim tablet' ); } ), /** * Detects if the current browser is a Windows Phone 7 device. */ isWindowsPhone7 : check( function () { return has( 'windows phone os 7' ); } ), /** * Detects if the current browser is a Windows Phone 8 device. */ isWindowsPhone8 : check( function () { return has( 'windows phone 8' ); } ), /** * Detects if the device platform is J2ME. */ isJ2MEPlatform : check( function () { return has( 'j2me/midp' ) || ( has( 'midp' ) && has( 'cldc' ) ); } ), /** * Detects if the device platform is the Symbian Series 40. */ isSymbianS40Platform : check( function() { if ( has( 'series40' ) ) { return has( 'nokia' ) || has( 'ovibrowser' ) || has( 'nokiabrowser' ); } } ), /** * Detects if the device platform is the Symbian Series 60. */ isSymbianPlatform : check( function() { if ( has( 'webkit' ) ) { // First, test for WebKit, then make sure it's either Symbian or S60. return has( 'symbian' ) || has( 'series60' ); } else if ( has( 'symbianos' ) && has( 'series60' ) ) { return true; } else if ( has( 'nokia' ) && has( 'series60' ) ) { return true; } else if ( has( 'opera mini' ) ) { return has( 'symbianos' ) || has( 'symbos' ) || has( 'series 60' ); } } ), /** * Detects if the current browser is the Kindle Fire Native browser. */ isKindleFire : check( function() { return has( 'silk/' ) && has( 'silk-accelerated=' ); } ), /** * Detects if the current browser is Firefox Mobile (Fennec) */ isFirefoxMobile : check( function() { return has( 'fennec' ); } ), /** * Detects if the current browser is the native FirefoxOS browser */ isFirefoxOS : check( function() { return has( 'mozilla' ) && has( 'mobile' ) && has( 'gecko' ) && has( 'firefox' ); } ), /** * Detects if the current UA is Facebook for iPad */ isFacebookForIpad : check( function() { if ( ! has( 'ipad' ) ) return false; return has( 'facebook' ) || has( 'fbforiphone' ) || has( 'fban/fbios;' ); } ), /** * Detects if the current UA is Facebook for iPhone */ isFacebookForIphone : check( function() { if ( ! has( 'iphone' ) ) return false; return ( has( 'facebook' ) && ! has( 'ipad' ) ) || ( has( 'fbforiphone' ) && ! has( 'tablet' ) ) || ( has( 'fban/fbios;' ) && ! has( 'tablet' ) ); // FB app v5.0 or higher } ), /** * Detects if the current UA is Twitter for iPhone */ isTwitterForIphone : check( function() { if ( has( 'ipad' ) ) return false; return has( 'twitter for iphone' ); } ), /** * Detects if the current UA is Twitter for iPad */ isTwitterForIpad : check( function() { return has( 'twitter for ipad' ) || ( has( 'ipad' ) && has( 'twitter for iphone' ) ); } ), /** * Detects if the current UA is WordPress for iOS */ isWordPressForIos : check( function() { return has( 'wp-iphone' ); } ) }; function has( str ) { return t.userAgent.indexOf( str ) != -1; } function check( fn ) { return function() { return t.userAgent === false ? false : fn() || false; } } g.wpcom_mobile_user_agent_info = t; } )( typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this ); ; // listen for rlt authentication events and pass them to children of this document. ( function() { var currentToken; var parentOrigin; var iframeOrigins; var initializationListeners = []; var hasBeenInitialized = false; var RLT_KEY = 'jetpack:wpcomRLT'; // IE11 compat version that doesn't require on `new URL( src )` function getOriginFromUrl( url ) { var parser = document.createElement('a'); parser.href = url; return parser.origin; } // run on `load` for suitable iframes, this injects the current token if available function rltIframeInjector( event ) { if ( ! currentToken ) { return; } rltInjectToken( currentToken,, getOriginFromUrl( ) ); } // run on DOMContentLoaded or later function rltMonitorIframes() { // wait until suitable iframes are loaded before trying to inject the RLT var iframes = document.querySelectorAll( "iframe" ); for( var i=0; i= 0; } function rltInvalidateWindowToken( token, target, origin ) { if ( target && typeof target.postMessage === 'function' ) { try { target.postMessage( JSON.stringify( { type: 'rltMessage', data: { event: 'invalidate', token: token, sourceOrigin: window.location.origin, }, } ), origin ); } catch ( err ) { return; } } } /** * PUBLIC METHODS */ window.rltInvalidateToken = function( token, sourceOrigin ) { // invalidate in current context if ( token === currentToken ) { currentToken = null; } // remove from localstorage, but only if in a top level window, not iframe try { if ( window.location === window.parent.location && window.localStorage ) { if ( window.localStorage.getItem(RLT_KEY) === token ) { window.localStorage.removeItem(RLT_KEY); } } } catch( e ) {"localstorage access for invalidate denied - probably blocked third-party access", window.location.href); } // invalidate in iframes var iframes = document.querySelectorAll("iframe"); for( var i=0; i